Actors and Networks database
The evolving field of gene and cell therapy is supported by a large community of academic, clinical, translational, regulatory and patient organisations. The Actors and Networks database maps these stakeholders in Europe and beyond, their activities, and resources they have produced.
EuroGCT has developed and compiled this database for those interested in identifying the actors involved at each stage of the pathways bringing gene and cell therapies from lab to clinic. Coming from an academic perspective, our focus is to map information that has not been mapped elsewhere. This includes documenting the various types of interconnected regulators, patient groups actively involved along the pathways, and non-profit organisations devoted to therapy development. In its first iteration, this database does not yet include commercial partners and service providers.
Additional complementary work by other organisations on GCT stakeholders mapping can be found here.
Ministère de la transition écologique
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The French Ministry for Ecological Transition receives applications for authorisation to deliberately release genetically modified organisms into the environment for clinical trials.
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (MZCR)
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The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic is the competent authority for tissues and cells and for blood and blood components in the Czech Republic.
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia
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The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia is the ministry in the Government of Croatia which is in charge of healthcare and welfare. It is also the competent authority for tissues and cells, and for blood and blood components.
MRC Human Genetics Unit, The University of Edinburgh (MRC Human Genetics Unit)
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The MRC Human Genetics Unit combines the latest computational and experimental technologies to investigate how human genomes work to control the function of molecules, cells and tissues in people and populations.
National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira)
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The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) is the competent authority for blood and blood components in Finland.
Notified Body Coordination Group (NBCG-Med)
Notified Body Operations Group (NBOG)
Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD)
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PPMD is a nonprofit organization that accelerates research, raises awareness, and improves care for people with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy.
Parkinson's UK (Parkinson's UK)
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Parkinson's UK is a research and support charity in the UK, aiming to improve the quality of life for people affected by Parkinson's and find a cure for the condition.
Patients' Network for Health and Medical Research (EGAN)
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EGAN - Patients Network for Medical Research and Health - is a dynamic, non-profit collaboration of patient organisations that work together because they recognize the value of their involvement in genetics, genomics and medical biotechnology for the prevention and treatment of genetic, multifactorial and congenital disorders. EGAN is working for a voice in research and health policy and seeks a world in which genetic diseases are understood, effectively treated, prevented and the people affected supported.