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ATMP Engage

About ATMP Engage

The Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Working Group (ATMP Engage) brings together UK-based stakeholders with an interest in ATMPs to discuss and collaborate on PPIE activity.

Overarching aims

  • to ensure patients are at the heart of ATMP research and implementation developments
  • to raise the public and patient profile of ATMPs
  • to uphold and share best practice on PPIE with respect to ATMPs


Working Group Membership

The membership includes patient partners with lived or relevant experience, and representatives from charities, research, industry and health system organisations. It was co-chaired in 2021-2022 by Genetic Alliance UK and NHS England and Improvement as a key workstream of the Accelerated Access Collaborative's work to support ATMPs. In 2022-2023 the working group is co-chaired by Genetic Alliance UK and the Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres, coordinated by the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult.

List of members and Terms of Reference

If you are interested in getting involved, submit a collaboration enquiry via the EuroGCT contact form.

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