The marketing authorisation granted under exceptional circumstances is a legal procedure to facilitate early patient access to medicinal products based on less comprehensive data than normally required.
The general practical steps of a marketing authorisation are described under the ‘Centralised procedure for ATMPs’ and ‘Marketing Authorisation Application file for ATMPs’ EuroGCT .
1. Medicines eligible to marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
Medicines (including ATMPs here) to be authorised by the European Union under the centralised procedure whose general steps are described under the ‘Centralised procedure for ATMPs’ entry.
2. Criteria for medicines/ATMPs to enter the procedure of marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
The applicant for a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances has to show that he is unable to provide comprehensive data on the efficacy and safety under normal conditions of use, for objective, verifiable reasons, and because:
- The indications for which the product in question is intended are encountered so rarely that the applicant cannot reasonably be expected to provide comprehensive evidence, or
- In the present state of scientific knowledge, comprehensive information cannot be provided, or
- It would be contrary to generally accepted principles of medical ethics to collect such information.
Annex I Part II-6 of Directive 2001/83/EC (current version with amendments)
3. Specific obligations under marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
Specific obligations, and, where appropriate, the timeframe for their completion shall be clearly specified in the conditions to the marketing authorisation. They are made publicly available by the EMA as part of the European Public Assessment Report.
Generally, those specific conditions are specific procedures to be introduced by the applicant, especially regarding the safety of the medicinal product, notification to the competent authorities of any incident relating to its use, and action to be taken.
More specifically, those specific conditions may include the following:
- The applicant shall complete an identified programme of studies within a time period specified by the competent authority, the results of which shall form the basis of a reassessment of the benefit-risk profile,
- The medicinal product in question may be supplied on medical prescription only and may in certain cases be administered only under strict medical supervision, possibly in a hospital and in the case of a radio-pharmaceutical, by an authorised person,
- The package leaflet and any medical information shall draw the attention of the medical practitioner to the fact that the particulars available concerning the medicinal product in question are as yet inadequate in certain specified respects.
Annex I Part II-6 of Directive 2001/83/EC (current version with amendments)
4. Procedure for marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
4.1 Early dialogue prior to submission
Early dialogue with the EMA as early as possible during medicinal product development, is strongly recommended by the EMA.
Aim: To discuss with the EMA, especially rapporteurs of the CHMP, PRAC and CAT about the justification for applying for a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances, especially on the inability to provide comprehensive data.
- Through CHMP scientific advice or protocol assistance for orphan medicines. (More information on EMA website here on Requesting scientific advice or protocol assistance from EMA).
- Through a pre-submission meeting: after having created an EMA account via the EMA Account Management portal; the ‘MAA pre-submission interactions form’ (available at the bottom of section 2.9 under “references”) shall be filled in electronically and sent to the EMA, by raising a ticket via EMA Service Desk, using the Question option “Pre-Submission Phase Request”, followed by the sub-option “Pre-Submission Interactions”. (More information on the EMA website, here in section 2.9.).
4.2. Submission of an application
- Six to seven months before submission: to notify the EMA of the intention to submit a marketing authorisation application and to include a statement on the appropriateness of the granting of a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances.
- To tick the box 1.5.2 of the application form and to include the corresponding justifications on the grounds for a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances in module 1 of the dossier, i. e. the claim of inability to provide comprehensive non-clinical or clinical data on the efficacy and safety under normal conditions of use as well as the list of those data, justifications for applying for a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances, and Proposals for detailed information on the specific procedures/obligations to be conducted.
4.3 Assessment of an application and granting of a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
The Rapporteur, Co-Rapporteur and the other CHMP and CAT members will assess the justification and the data submitted for a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances for an ATMP as part of the overall assessment of the benefit-risk of the application. It is up to the CHMP, during the review, to ultimately decide on the type of the marketing authorisation.
The marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances of an ATMP is granted by the European Commission, based on the scientific assessment led by the CHMP and including the CAT within the EMA.
More information on the procedure for marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances application in the CHMP Guidelines on procedures for the granting of a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances, pursuant to article 14 (8) of Regulation (EC) N° 726/2004, and on EMA website here in section 1.9.
5. Validity and annual re-assessment of marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
The marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances is granted for a five-year period.
Its continuation is linked to annual re-assessment conducted by the CHMP of the implementation and fulfilment by the applicant of specific conditions and the impact of these conditions’ data on the risk-benefit balance of the medicinal product.
- Submission of the annual re-assessment application:
- To the EMA,
- On the anniversary date of the European Commission decision granting the marketing authorisation, within a maximum flexibility of +/- 2 months to synchronise the re-assessment submission with the submission of the specific obligations data,
- A cover letter, product information and reports on the summary of the specific obligations initially agreed, the data submitted and the status of fulfilment of the obligations and their impact on the overall risk-benefit balance of the medicinal product.
- Evaluation of the annual re-assessment:
- Joint by the CAT and the PRAC Rapporteur for ATMPs,
- On the basis that the risk-benefit balance is to be confirmed, regarding the specific obligations contained in the authorisation and the status of their fulfilment and impact on the overall risk-benefit balance of the medicinal product,
- Final opinion of CHMP to be given within 90 days (if no request for supplementary information) following receipt of a valid annual re-assessment application.
- Timetable of annual re-assessment for ATMPs is available here.
- Decision on the annual re-assessment:
- The CHMP opinion will conclude on whether the marketing authorisation should be maintained, varied or suspended/revoked,
- Exceptionally, the CHMP may recommend granting a marketing authorisation not subject to specific obligations considering that all specific obligations have been fulfilled and comprehensive data on the efficacy and safety of the medicinal product is available,
- The European Public Assessment (EPAR) will be revised to reflect the CHMP conclusions in relation to the annual re-assessment procedure, and in case of an unfavourable opinion, a question-and-answer document will be published by the Agency.
More information on the annual re-assessment of marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances here.
6. Renewal of marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
The renewal of the marketing authorisation of a medicinal product under exceptional circumstances follows the same rules as a standard marketing authorisation: after five years the marketing authorisation shall be valid for an unlimited period, unless the Commission decides, on justified grounds relating to pharmacovigilance, to proceed with one additional five-year renewal. (Article 14 (1-3) of Regulation (EC) N° 726/2004, current version with amendments)