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EFPIA The root cause of unavailability and delay to innovative medicines

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) is the trade association representing the biopharmaceutical industry in Europe. Is has direct membership of 37 national associations, 38 leading pharmaceutical companies and a growing number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). EFPIA’s mission is to create a collaborative environment for its members to innovate, discover, develop, and deliver new therapies and vaccines for people across Europe.

People across Europe are not always able to access innovative medicines when they need them. The reasons are multi-factorial. In this analysis, EFPIA found there are 10 interrelated factors that explain unavailability and delay--they range from slow regulatory processes to late initiation of market access assessment, to duplicative evidence requirements, to reimbursement delays, and local formulary decisions.

Read more about this analysis on EFPIA's site:

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The root cause of unavailability and delay to innovative medicines: Reducing the time before patients have access to innovative medicines

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